Streaming Data: The Nexus of Cloud-Modernized Analytics

2 Minute Read



On April 9th I am going to be having a conversation with Andrew Brust of GigaOm about the role of streaming integration in digital transformation initiatives, especially cloud modernization and real-time analytics. The format of this webinar is light on power-point, rich on lively discussion and interaction — so we hope you can join us.

Streaming Data: The Nexus of Cloud-Modernized Analytics

APR 9, 2020- 10:00 AM PDT/ 1:00 PM EDT

Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business resulting in fundamental changes to how the businesses operate and how they deliver value to customers. Cloud has been the number one driving technology in a majority of such transformations. It could be you have a cloud-first strategy, with all new applications being built in the cloud, or you may need to migrate online databases without taking downtime. You may want to take advantage of cloud-scale for infinite data storage, coupled with machine learning to gain new insights and make proactive decisions.

In all cases, the key component is data. The data for your new applications, cloud analytics, or your data migration could originate on-premise, in another cloud or be generated from millions of IoT devices. It is essential that this data can be collected, processed, and delivered rapidly, reliably and at scale. This is why streaming data is the key major component of data modernization, and why streaming integration platforms are vital to the success of digital transformation initiatives.

In a modern data architecture, the goal is to harvest your existing data sources and enable your analysts and data scientists to provide value in the form of applications, visualizations, and alerts to your decision makers, customers, and partners.

In this webinar we will discuss the key aspects of this architecture, including the role of change data capture (CDC) and IoT technologies in data collection, options for data processing, and the differing requirements for data delivery. You will also learn how streaming integration platforms can be utilized for cloud modernization, large scale and stream analytics, and machine learning operationalization, in a reliable and scalable way.

I hope you can join us on April 9th, and see why streaming integration is the engine of data modernization for digital transformation.


Real-time Data

Declarative, Fully Managed Data Streaming Pipelines

Data pipelines can be tricky business —failed jobs, re-syncs, out-of-memory errors, complex jar dependencies, making them not only messy but often disastrously unreliable. Data teams