We are excited to announce that our very own Steve Wilkes, co-founder and CTO of Striim, has been listed as one of the Top People to Watch in 2019 by Datanami! Now in its third year, Datanami’s People to Watch program features the top movers and shakers within the data field.
The write-up provides a brief background on Steve’s career, and then launches into an interview that shares Steve’s thoughts on current industry trends, important technologies being used today, and critical technologies for the future use and application of data.
Specifically, Steve provides an interesting take on topics including Big Data/Hadoop, the growth of cloud computing, and the challenges facing customers who are looking to implement real time analytics. He also shares some of his hobbies and activities he does outside of work; it’s a very well-rounded piece! Read the full interview on Datanami – Steve Wilkes: People to Watch 2019!