What’s New in Striim 3.9.5

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What’s New in Striim 3.9.5: More Cloud Integrations; Greater On-Prem Extensibility; Enhanced Manageability

Striim’s development team has been busy, and launched a new release of the platform, Striim 3.9.5, last week. The goal of the release was to enhance the platform’s manageability while boosting its extensibility, both on-premises and in the cloud.

I’d like to give you a quick overview of the new features; starting with expanded cloud integration capabilities.

  • Striim 3.9.5 now offers direct writers for both Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 1 and  Gen 2. This capability allows businesses to stream real-time, pre-processed data to their Azure data lake solutions from enterprise databases, log files, messaging systems such as Kafka, Hadoop, NoSQL, and sensors, deployed on-prem or in the cloud.
  • Striim’s support for Google Pub/Sub is now improved with a direct writer. Google Pub/Sub serves as a messaging service for GCP services and applications. Rapidly building real-time data pipelines into Google Pub/Sub from existing on-prem or cloud sources allows businesses to seamlessly adopt GCP for their critical business operations and achieve the maximum benefit from their cloud solutions.
  • Striim has been providing streaming data integration to Google BigQuery since 2016. With this release, Striim supports additional BigQuery functionalities such as SQL MERGE.
  • Similarly, the new release brings enhancements to Striim’s existing Azure Event Hubs Writer and Amazon Redshift Writer to simplify development and management.

In addition to cloud targets, Striim boosted its heterogeneous sources and destinations for on-premises environments too. The 3.9.5 release includes:

  • Writing to and reading from Apache Kafka version 2.1
  • Real-time data delivery to HPE NonStop SQL/MX
  • Support for compressed data when reading from GoldenGate Trail Files
  • Support for NCLOB columns in log-based change data capture from Oracle databases

Following on to the 3.9 release, Striim 3.9.5 also added a few new features to improve Striim’s ease of use and manageability:

  • Striim’s users can now organize their applications with user-defined groups and see deployment status with color-coded indicators on the UI. This feature increases productivity, especially when there are hundreds of Striim applications running or in the process of being deployed, as many of our customers do.














  • New recovery status indicators in Striim 3.9.5 allow users to track when the application is in the replay mode for recovery versus in the forward processing mode after the recovery is completed.
  • Striim’s application management API now allows resuming a crashed application.
  • Last but not least, Striim 3.9.5 offers easier and more detailed monitoring of open transactions in Oracle databases sources.

For a deeper dive into the new features in Striim 3.9.5, please request a customized demo. If you would like to check out any of these features for yourself, we invite you to download a free trial.