Striim 3.10.1 Further Speeds Cloud Adoption

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We are pleased to announce the general availability of Striim 3.10.1 that includes support for new and enhanced Cloud targets, extends manageability and diagnostics capabilities, and introduces new ease of use features to speed our customers’ cloud adoption. Key Features released in Striim 3.10.1 are directly available through Snowflake Partner Connect to enable rapid movement of enterprise data into Snowflake.

Striim 3.10.1 Focus Areas Including Cloud Adoption

This new release introduces many new features and capabilities, summarized here:

3.10.1 Features Summary


Let’s review the key themes and features of this new release, starting with the new and expanded cloud targets

Striim on Snowflake Partner Connect

From Snowflake Partner Connect, customers can launch a trial Striim Cloud instance directly as part of the Snowflake on-boarding process from the Snowflake UI and load data, optionally with change data capture, directly into Snowflake from any of our supported sources. You can read about this in a separate blog.

Expanded Support for Cloud Targets to Further Enhance Cloud Adoption

The Striim platform has been chosen as a standard for our customers’ cloud adoption use-cases partly because of the wide range of cloud targets it supports. Striim provides integration with databases, data warehouses, storage, messaging systems and other technologies across all three major cloud environments.

A major enhancement is the introduction of support for the Google BigQuery Streaming API. This not only enables real-time analytics on large scale data in BigQuery by ensuring that data is available within seconds of its creation, but it also helps with quota issues that can be faced by high volume customers. The integration through the BigQuery streaming API can support data transfer up to 1GB per second.

In addition to this, Striim 3.10.1 also has the following enhancements:

  • Optimized delivery to Snowflake and Azure Synapse that facilitates compacting multiple operations on the same data to a single operation on the target resulting in much lower change volume
  • Delivery to MongoDB cloud and MongoDB API for Azure Cosmos DB
  • Delivery to Apache Cassandra, DataStax Cassandra, and Cassandra API for Azure Cosmos DB

  • Support for delivery of data in Parquet format to Cloud Storage and Cloud Data Lakes to further support cloud analytics environments

Schema Conversion to Simplify Cloud Adoption Workflows

As part of many cloud migration or cloud integration use-cases, especially during the initial phases, developers often need to create target schemas to match those of source data. Striim adds the capability to use source schema information from popular databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL and create appropriate target schema in cloud targets such as Google BigQuery, Snowflake and others. Importantly, these conversions understand data type and structure differences between heterogeneous sources and targets and act intelligently to spot problems and inconsistencies before progressing to data movement, simplifying cloud adoption.

Enhanced Monitoring, Alerting and Diagnostics

On-going data movement between on-premise and cloud environments for migrations, or powering reporting and analytics solutions, are often part of an enterprise’s critical applications. As such they demand deep insights into the status of all active data flows.

Striim 3.10.1 adds the capability to inherently monitor data from its creation in the source to successful delivery in a target, generate detailed lag reports, and alert on situations where lag is outside of SLAs.

End to End Lag Visualization

In addition, this release provides detailed status on checkpointing information for recovery and high availability scenarios, with insight into checkpointing history and currency.

Real-time Checkpointing Information

Simplifies Working with Complex Data

As customers work with heterogeneous environments and adopt more complex integration scenarios, they often have to work with complex data types, or perform necessary data conversions. While always possible through user defined functions, this release adds multiple commonly requested data manipulation functions out of the box. This simplifies working with JSON data and document structures, while also facilitating data cleansing, and regular expression operations.

On-Going Support for Enterprise Sources

As customers upgrade their environments, or adopt new technologies, it is essential that their integration platform keeps pace. In Striim 3.10.1 we extend our support for the Oracle database to include Oracle 19c, including change data capture, add support for schema information and metadata for Oracle GoldenGate trails, and certify our support for Hive 3.1.0

These are a high level view of the new features of Striim 3.10.1. There is a lot more to discover to aid on your cloud adoption journey. If you would like to learn more about the new release, please reach out to schedule a demo with a Striim expert.