Implementing Gartner’s Cloud Smart FEVER selection process using Striim

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In their recent research note, “Move From Cloud First to Cloud Smart to Improve Cloud Journey Success” (February 2020), Gartner introduced the concept of using the FEVER selection process to prioritize workloads to move to cloud.

According to the research note, to ensure rapid results by building on the knowledge of earlier experiences with cloud, IT leaders “should prioritize the workloads to move to cloud by using a ‘full circle’ continuous loop selection process: faster, easier, valuable, efficient and repeat (FEVER; see Figure 2). This allows them to deliver results in waves of migrations according to the organization’s delivery capacities.”

While thinking about this concept I realized that following this approach is one of the reasons that Striim’s customers are so successful with their cloud migration and integration initiatives.  They are utilizing a cloud smart approach for real-world use-cases, including online database migrations enabled by change data capture, offloading reporting to cloud environments, and continuous data delivery for cloud analytics.


The speed of solutions is critical to many of our customers that have strict SLAs, and limited timeframes in which they want to complete their projects. Striim allows customers to build and test data flows supporting cloud adoption very quickly, while Striim’s optimized architecture enables rapid transfer of data from data sources to cloud for both initial load, and on-going real-time data delivery.


Customers don’t want to spend days or weeks learning a new solution. In order to implement quickly, the solution must be easy to learn and work with. Striim’s wizard-based approach and intuitive UI enables our customers to rapidly build out their data pipelines, and transfer knowledge for on-going operations.


Many of our customers are already ‘Cloud Smart’ and approach cloud initiatives in a pragmatic way. They often start with highly critical, but simple migrations, that gives them the highest value in the shortest time. Once all the “lowest-hanging fruits” are picked and successfully implemented, they move onto more complex scenarios, or integrate additional sources.


Cost-efficiency for our customers is more than just the on-going cost reductions inherent in moving to a cloud solution. It also includes the time taken by their valuable employees to build and maintain the solution, and the data ingress costs inherent in moving their data to the cloud. By utilizing Striim, they can reduce the amount of time spent to achieve success and reduce their data movement costs by utilizing one-time loads, with on-going change delivery.


It is seldom that our customers have a single migration, or cloud adoption to perform. Repeatability, and reusability of the cloud migration or integration is essential to their long-term plans. Not only do they want to be able to repeat similar migrations, but they also want to be able to use the same platform for all of their cloud adoption initiatives. By standardizing on Striim, our customers can take advantage of the large numbers of sources and cloud targets we support and focus on the business imperatives without having to worry whether it’s possible.


If you would like to learn more about becoming cloud smart, you can access the full report “Move From Cloud First to Cloud Smart to Improve Cloud Journey Success” (February 2020), for a limited time using this link.


Move From Cloud First to Cloud Smart to Improve Cloud Journey Success, Henrique Cecci, 25 February 2020

GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally, and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.

This graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research document and should be evaluated in the context of the entire document. The Gartner document is available upon request from Striim.

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