Striim Speeds Up While Rate of Disruption Slows Down

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High-tech markets are jittery, to say the least. Investors are taking a hard look at the valuations of companies in their portfolios. Startups previously on the path to disruptiAtlanticBridge-logoon are battening down the hatches in an attempt to weather the storm.

However, for a few well-managed companies with proven offerings in strategic markets, investment funds are still flowing. Striim, Inc. is one of those companies. 

We have just expanded our Series B round to $30 million, adding $10 million from Atlantic Bridge Capital +READ THE PRESS RELEASE. Atlantic Bridge is a highly regarded European private equity firm that invests in companies with a proven business model that have started to scale in revenues, showing evidence of market uptake and customer adoption. The current focus of their fund is on the Big Data sector, and on real-time technologies in particular.

Atlantic Bridge chose to invest in Striim because we have the:

Right Technology

Striim (pronounced “stream” – the two i’s are for “integration” and “intelligence”) is disrupting several markets with its end-to-end, real-time data integration and streaming analytics platform. These markets include traditional data integration/ETL, complex event processing, log monitoring, real-time data visualization, and Big Data analytics. 

With Striim, companies can capture a wide variety of data the instant it’s born, and perform much of the integration, processing and analytics that otherwise might be handled by these legacy technologies. The difference is that Striim integrates, processes and analyzes the data while it’s still streaming, before it ever lands on disk.

Right Timing

Expectations for real-time response are increasing almost as fast as the volume and variety of data. The move to cloud-hosted environments and the onset of the Internet of Things will only magnify this. Striim is poised to take advantage of these trends and serve as the real-time integration and intelligence layer across the next generation of data infrastructures.

Right Team 

This was most crucial to Atlantic Bridge’s decision. Striim was founded by core executives from GoldenGate Software (acquired by Oracle in 2009) and is headed up by a trusted and proven management team with numerous successful startups and exits under our collective belts. The experience at GoldenGate provides an incomparable level of expertise around real-time data integration and analytics.

A recent blog post by Ted Schadler at Forrester Research suggests, “Well-operated digital companies will not just weather the storm, but will get more aggressive.” With the vote of confidence from Atlantic Bridge Capital, Striim is poised to go faster despite the fact that the global speed of disruption may be slowing down.

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