Striim CTO Steve Wilkes Discusses the Three Primary Challenges to IoT Data Management

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We are excited to announce that Striim CTO Steve Wilkes has been selected as a contributor to TechTarget’s IoT Agenda page!

For his first post, Steve reflected on an online presentation he gave back in November for Intel’s Global IoT DevFest, which provided professionals and thought leaders in the IoT space a platform to share ideas, visions, use cases, etc.

With IoT playing a large role across countless verticals, the one constant for every enterprise company implementing an IoT strategy is that data is its most important asset. To help companies maximize on its data, Steve discussed the primary challenges to IoT data management and how a Streaming First architecture can address these concerns.

Integrating IoT Data

At its core, IoT is an integration problem. Steve discusses one of the major trends he is seeing is that enterprise companies are adopting solutions that only handle IoT data. However, to receive true and accurate data insights, enterprise companies need to correlate IoT data with other enterprise data, such as message queues, log files, and transactional data. This can be a daunting task for many companies due to the volumes of data being generated from a variety of locations.

Managing IoT Data

Because there are so many more devices generating data, physically storing all of it won’t be an option in the near future. As a result, traditional methods such as batch capture and ETL will no longer be feasible. Organizations will need to prepare for this evolution of data management by adopting a modern data architecture.

Securing IoT Data

Digital security is a major concern, not only for IoT but all enterprise data. As more and more connected devices are added to an enterprise’s infrastructure, it makes it more difficult for security professionals to monitor and track potential threats. Security offerings are also very convoluted in that they only monitor for specific behaviors, which leaves inevitable security gaps in the ecosystem.

Solution: Streaming First Architecture

Steve goes on to discuss how these three primary issues can be addressed effectively by adopting a Streaming First architecture. With CPU and memory prices becoming more affordable for companies, this opens up the potential for organizations to interact with its data in a streaming fashion before it even hits disk.

Steve provides advice on how companies can begin to adopt this architecture by using Change Data Capture on its legacy technologies. This enables organizations to reap the benefits of a modern data architecture while not breaking the bank updating outdated systems.

To learn more about the challenges to IoT data management and the benefits of a Streaming First architecture, read Steve’s article on TechTarget, “Addressing the Fundamental Challenges to IoT Data Management.”