Streaming Integration: What Is It and Why Do I Need It?

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In this blog post, we’re going to tackle the basics behind what streaming integration is, and why it’s critical for enterprises looking to adopt a modern data architecture. Let’s begin with a working definition of streaming integration.

What is Streaming Integration?

You’ve heard about streaming data and streaming data integration and you’re wondering, why is it an essential part of any enterprise infrastructure?

Well, streaming integration is all about continuously moving any enterprise data with real high throughput in a scalable fashion, while processing that data, correlating it, and analyzing it in-memory so that you can get real value out of that data, and visibility into it in a verifiable fashion.

And streaming data integration is the foundation for so many different use cases in this modern world, especially if you have legacy systems and you need to modernize, you need to use new technologies to get the right answers from your data, and you need to do that continuously, in real time.

Why Streaming Integration?

Now that we’ve outlined a high-level understanding of what streaming integration is, let’s discuss why it’s important. You now know streaming integration is an essential part of enterprise modernization. But why? Why streaming integration and why now?

Well, streaming data integration is all about treating your data the way it should be treated. Batch data is an artifact of technology and technology history – that storage was cheap, and memory and CPU were expensive. And so, people would store lots of data and then process it later.

But data is not created in batches. Data is created row-by-row, line-by-line, event-by-event as things in the real world happen. So, if you’re treating your data in batches, you’re not respecting it; you’re not treating it the way that it’s created. In order to do that, you need to collect that data and process it as it’s being produced, and do all of this in a streaming fashion. And that’s what streaming integration is all about.


If you’re interested in learning more about streaming data integration and why it’s needed, please visit our Real-Time Data Integration Solution page, or view the wide variety of sources and targets that Striim supports.