CIO Review Adds Striim to Oracle 100 Most Promising Oracle Solution Providers

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Oracle100_2014Striim is excited to be recognized as one of the CIO Review Oracle 100 Most Promising Oracle Solution Providers. Striim integrates with Oracle NoSQL as a robust persistence layer for our Data Driven Apps.

Striim Data Driven Apps and Oracle NoSQL

“The new release of Oracle NoSQL Database adds compelling value for developers and IT, like security and data center monitoring enhancements which are critical for enterprise deployments. For Striim’s data center automation application, we need to have a robust NoSQL back end data store and Oracle NoSQL Database is a natural fit. The new table model and indexing features are also a welcome addition to the latest release, and we plan to take advantage of these features,” mentioned Alok Pareek, Founder and Executive Vice President, Striim.

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