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StreamShift Documentation

SQL Server setup

Source setup

If the source and target are both SQL Server and you are doing a "Lift and Shift only" migration, create a user for use by Striim and grant it SELECT permission on all tables to be migrated.

In all other cases, set up the source as described in SQL Server setup or, if the source is in an Azure virtual machine, Configuring an Azure virtual machine running SQL Server.

Target setup

  1. If you are migrating only one schema and plan to use the default dbo schema, skip this step. Otherwise, create the target schema(s).

  2. Create a CHKPOINT table in one of the target schemas:

      id VARCHAR(100) PRIMARY KEY,
      sourceposition VARBINARY(MAX), 
      pendingddl BIT, 
      ddl VARCHAR(MAX));
  3. Create a user for use by Striim as follows, replacing ******** with a strong password. You may use any user name you wish.

    USE <database name>;
    CREATE LOGIN striim WITH PASSWORD = '********';
    CREATE USER striim FOR LOGIN striim;
    EXEC sp_addrolemember @rolename=db_owner, @membername=striim;