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StreamShift Documentation

Connecting with sources and targets over the internet

There are several ways to connect with sources and targets over the internet.

... using cloud provider keys

Some cloud sources and targets, such as Cosmos DB, secure their connections using keys. No additional configuration is required on your part, you simply provide the appropriate key in the source or target properties.

... using an SSH tunnel

See Using an SSH tunnel to connect to a source or target.

... by adding an inbound port rule to your firewall or cloud security group

  1. In your subscription, go to the Services page.

  2. Next to the service, click ... and select Security.

  3. Copy StreamShift's IP address.

  4. In the firewall or cloud security group for your source or target, create an inbound port rule for that IP address and the port for your database (typically 3306 for MariaDB or MySQL, 1521 for Oracle, 5432 for PostgreSQL, or 1433 for SQL Server).

... using port forwarding

In your router configuration, create a port forwarding rule for your database's port. If supported by your router, set the source IP to your database's IP address and the target IP to StreamShift's IP address (which you can get as described above).