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Install Striim Platform for evaluation purposes

To evaluate Striim Platform:

Configuring your system to evaluate Striim


Do not install Striim on a computer with 4GB or less RAM.

The following are the minimum requirements for evaluating Striim:

  • memory:

    • 4GB available for use by Striim (so the system should have at least 5 GB, preferably 8 GB or more)

    • Running the CDC demo apps will require a system with a minimum of 8 GB, preferably 12 GB or more

    • using Kafka streams may require a system with 12 GB or more

  • free disk space: minimum 10 GB, 20 GB recommended

  • supported operating systems:

    • Microsoft Windows 8.1 or 10

    • Windows Server 2012

    • Mac OS X 10

    • 64-bit CentOS 6.7 through 7.6

    • 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, or 18.04

  • supported Java environments:

    • recommended: 64-bit Oracle SE Development Kit 8 (required to use HTTPReader or SNMPParser)

    • 64-bit OpenJDK 8

    To install Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8:

  • firewall settings:

    • To allow other computers to connect to Striim's web UI, open port 9080 for TCP inbound.

    • To allow Forwarding Agents to connect to Striim, or to create a multi-server cluster (not supported by a free evaluation license), configure the firewall as described in System requirements.System requirements

  • web browser: The web client has been tested on Chrome. Other web browsers may work, but if you encounter bugs, try Chrome. Note that browser plugins may interfere with Striim's web client.

To verify that Java installed correctly, enter the following at the command line in a command prompt or terminal window:

java -version

The output should be:

java version "1.8.0_144"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)

Continue with the instructions in Installing Striim for evaluation purposes.

Evaluating on Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows

Before following these instructions, see Configuring your system to evaluate Striim and Running the CDC demo apps.

If you run into any problems with the installer or web configuration tool, you may use the Alternative installation method.


The Striim_420.jar installer requires Python 2 and is incompatible with Python 3. If Python 2 is not available, use the Alternative installation method.

On a Mac with an M1 CPU. Use the Alternative installation method.

To install the CDC demo apps, see the instructions in Installing the CDC demo apps).

  1. Download Striim_420.jar.

  2. Double-click the downloaded file to launch the installer. If nothing happens, open a shell window, switch to the directory where you downloaded the file, and enter the following command: java -jar Striim_<version>.jar

  3. When the installer appears, click Next.

  4. Optionally, change the installation path. In Windows, if the specified directory does not exist, create it. Then click Next > OK > Next.


    Known issue (DEV-22317): do not put the striim directory under a directory with a space in its name, such as C:\Program Files.

  5. The web configuration tool will open in your default browser. Return to the installer and click Next > Done.

  6. Return to the web client, read the license agreement, then click Accept and Continue.

    If anything goes wrong in the following steps, Striim/logs/WebConfig.log may indicate the problem. If you contact Striim support, give them a copy of this file.

  7. If you see "Congratulations," click Continue. If you see messages that your computer can not run Striim, resolve the problems indicated, for example by installing the required version of Java or switching to Chrome. To restart the web configuration tool, run .../Striim/bin/

  8. Enter the following in the appropriate fields:

    1. your company name

    2. the name for the Striim cluster (this value defaults to the current user name, but you may change it)

    3. the password for the admin user

    4. the password for the sys user

    5. the Striim keystore password

  9. If the system has more than one network interface and the installer has chosen the wrong one, choose the correct one.

  10. Click Save & Continue.

  11. If you have a license key, enter it. If not, leave the field blank to get a trial license. Click Continue.

  12. When you see the Launch button, click it. A video will play while Striim is launching, which may take a few minutes.

  13. When you see the Log In prompt, enter admin in the Username field, enter the password you set for the admin user in the Password field, and click Log In.

Continue with Viewing dashboards.


To stop, restart, or reconfigure Striim, run .../Striim/bin/

Alternative installation method

Before following these instructions, see Configuring your system to evaluate Striim and Running the CDC demo apps.

If you are evaluating Striim on Windows 8.1 (which does not support Docker Desktop, required to run the CDC demo apps), or have trouble with the Striim_4.2.0.jar installer, you may install as follows.

  1. Download

  2. Extract the .zip file to a location of your choice. Adjust all the paths in the following instructions accordingly.


    Known issue (DEV-22317): do not put the striim directory under a directory with a space in its name, such as C:\Program Files.

  3. Open a terminal or command prompt and change to the striim directory.

    • In CentOS or Ubuntu, enter sudo su - striim bin/

    • In OS X, enter bin/

    • In Windows, enter bin\sksConfig

    When prompted, enter passwords for the Striim keystore and the admin and sys users. Choose Derby as the MDR (metadata repository).

  4. Open Striim/conf/ in a text editor, edit the following properties (removing any # characters and spaces from the beginning of the lines), and save the file:

    • WAClusterName: a name for the Striim cluster (note that if an existing Striim cluster on the network has this name, Striim will try to join it)

    • CompanyName: If you specify keys, this must exactly match the associated company name. If you are using a trial license, any name will work.

    • ProductKey and LIcenseKey: If you have keys, specify them, otherwise leave blank to run Striim on a trial license. Note that you cannot create a multi-server cluster using a trial license.

    • Interfaces: If the system has more than one IP address, specify the one you want Striim to use, otherwise leave blank and Striim will set this automatically.

  5. Open a command prompt and run striim/bin/ or striim\bin\server.bat.

    Wait for output similar to the following before going on to the next step:

    Please go to or to administer, or use console
  6. If your operating system supports Docker Desktop, you may follow the instructions in "Installing the CDC demo apps in an existing Striim server" in Running the CDC demo apps).Running the CDC demo apps

  7. Open a web browser, go to http:/localhost:9080, and log in with username admin and the password you provided in step 3.

Continue with Viewing dashboards.


To stop Striim, press Ctrl-C in the command prompt. To restart, repeat step 5.