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Running the Striim agent as an SCF Persistent Generic Process

To ensure the agent process is always running and available, it is recommended that the process is started and managed as an SCF Persistent Generic Process. (See chapter 3 of the HP NonStop SCF Reference Manual for the Kernel Subsystem for more information on creating and managing generic processes).

Below is an example of the SCF commands that could be used to create and start the agent as a persistent generic process:

CPU FIRSTOF (1,2,3), &
PROGRAM <$vol>.<subvol>.WAGENT , &
DEFAULTVOL <$vol>.<subvol> , &
USERID <group>.<user>, &
STARTUPMSG "--agent_port <port-num> --logger_name <ems-collector>"
[ ADD #WAGNT , &
 ( PARAM ALLOWED-TABLES <$vol>.<subvol>.<file> ) ]
[ ADD #WAGNT , &

You may use a process name (the NAME argument) other than $WAGNT, but the generic process must be named.

The DEFAULTVOL must be specified to be the volume and subvolume in which the HP NonStop components were installed. If this is not set properly, the Agent will not be able to start the change data capture processes, since it expects their object files to be in the default volume.

If you choose to use the ALLOWED-TABLES PARAM, the filename given in the ADD #WAGNT command for PARAM ALLOWED-TABLES must be the name of the Edit file you created in step 4 of "Installing the agent."

This example shows only specifying the PARAM ALLOWED-TABLES and the DEFINE =TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME, but the other PARAMs and DEFINEs documented in "Starting the Striim Agent process on the HP NonStop platform" also may be specified by including additional ADD #WAGNT commands before the START #WAGNT command.

The home terminal for a Persistent Generic Process defaults to $YMIOP.#CLCI, the system console, if no HOMETERM argument is included. HP recommends using $ZHOME as the HOMETERM for most Persistent Generic Processes. You also could use a VHS process as the HOMETERM if you arrange to configure the VHS process as a Persistent Generic Process that starts before the agent process starts. Using a VHS process would allow you to control where the messages are logged so you could more easily find them if a serious error would occur in a Striim component.