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Reading from multiple tables

HP NonStop readers, MSSQLReader, and OracleReader can all read data from multiple tables using a single source. The MAP function allows data from each table to be output to a different stream.


When you use wildcards to specify multiple tables, only the tables that exist when the application is started will be read. Any new tables added afterwards will be ignored.

The following reads all tables from the schema SCOTT.TEST.

CREATE SOURCE OraSource USING OracleReader (
  ... Tables:'SCOTT.%' ...

The following reads from all tables with names that start with SCOTT.TEST, such as SCOTT.TEST1, SCOTT.TESTCASE, and so on.

CREATE SOURCE OraSource USING OracleReader (
  ... Tables:'SCOTT.TEST%' ...

The following reads all tables with names that start with S and end with .TEST. Again, any tables added after the application starts will be ignored.

CREATE SOURCE OraSource USING OracleReader (
  ... Tables:='S%.TEST' ...

The following shows how to query data from one table when a stream contains data from multiple tables.

CREATE SOURCE OraSource USING OracleReader (
CREATE CQ renderOracleControlLogEvent
INSERT INTO oracleControlLogStream
FROM Orders x
WHERE META(x,”TableName").toString() = "SCOTT.POSDATA";

The following takes input from two tables and sends output for each to a separate stream using the MAP function. Note that a regular output stream (in this case Orders) must also be specified, even if it is not used by the application.

CREATE SOURCE OraSource USING OracleReader (
OUTPUT TO OrderStream,
  PosDataStream MAP (table:'SCOTT.POSDATA'),
  StudentStream MAP (table:'SCOTT.STUDENT');

In some cases, creating a separate source for each table may improve performance.